typography - MathML Typographical Error on Firefox 17 on GNU/Linux -

apparently, cannot post images because deemed not 1337 enough unless 10 points of reputation, let me best describe problem.

here markup trying render. pay no attention content, because took arbitrary paper arxiv reference.

<!doctype html> <html>   <head>     <meta charset=utf-8 />     <title>example paper</title>     <style>       * {          margin: 0;         padding: 0;       } body {         width: 616px;         /*background: url(background.png) center top repeat-y #fff;*/         margin: 0 auto;       } h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p {         line-height: 22px;         margin-top: 11px;         margin-bottom: 22px;       } h1 {         line-height:44px;         margin-top: 11px;         margin-bottom: 11px;       }     </style>   </head>   <body>     <h1>       defect sequence contractive tuples     </h1>     <p>       tirthankar bhattacharyya, bata krishna das, santanu sarkar     </p>     <p>       introduce defect sequence contractive tuple of       hilbert space operators , investigate properties. defect       sequence sequence of numbers, called defect dimensions       associated contractive tuple. show there upper       bounds defect dimensions. tuples these upper       bounds obtained, called maximal contractive tuples.       upper bounds different in non-commutative , in       commutative case. show creation operators on full       fock space , co ordinate multipliers on drury-arveson       space maximal. study pure tuples , see how       defect dimensions play role in irreducibility.     </p>     <h2>       introduction     </h2>     <p>       let fix positive integer       <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/math/mathml">         <mi>d</mi>       </math>       paper. consider tuple        <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/math/mathml">         <list>           <ci>             <msub>               <mi>t</mi>               <mn>1</mn>             </msub>           </ci>           <ci>&hellip;</ci>           <ci>             <msub>               <mi>t</mi>               <mi>d</mi>             </msub>           </ci>         </list>       </math>       of bounded operators on complex, separable, infinite dimensional       hilbert space       <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/math/mathml">         <mi>h</mi>       </math>       , positive map     </p>   </body> </html> 

notice how in paragraph containing subscripted expression, first line correctly displayed, presence of subscript pushes line height. there inline math not push surrounding text?

even though nobody responded, ended finding solution problem. guess question wasn't desirable audience. nonetheless, answering future reference.

if want typography , mathml, use mathjax's mathml mode , inline command. inline mathjax designed not disrupt line height of page.


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