java - Generify class because of unchecked casting warning -

i have following class methods marked unchecked give me warning. compile/work fine interested if there way generify class intellij idea offering me (but unable do) remove warnings.

public abstract class attribute {  private final attributednode containernode; private boolean computationcomplete;  public attribute(attributednode node) {     this.containernode = node;     this.computationcomplete = false; }  public attributednode getcontainernode() {     return containernode; }  public attribute getattributefromchildnode(int childindex, attributenameenum attributename) {     attributednode node = getcontainernode().getchild(childindex);     return node.getattribute(attributename); }  public string getchildnodetext(int index) {     return getcontainernode().getchild(index).gettext(); }  @suppresswarnings("unchecked") public <t, e extends attribute> list<t> getlistofchildattributevalues(attributenameenum name) {     list<t> result = new linkedlist<>();     (attributednode node : this.getcontainernode().getchildren()) {         e attribute = (e) node.getattribute(name);         result.add((t) attribute.getvalue());     }     return result; }  public <t extends attribute> object getattributevaluefromcontainer(attributenameenum name) {     return this.<t>getattributevaluefromnode(name, this.getcontainernode()); }  public <t extends attribute> object getattributevaluefromparent(attributenameenum name) {     return this.<t>getattributevaluefromnode(name, this.getcontainernode().getparent()); }  @suppresswarnings("unchecked") public <t extends attribute> object getattributevaluefromnode(attributenameenum name, attributednode node) {     t attribute = (t) node.getattribute(name);     return attribute.getvalue(); } // other methods eluded 

p.s. apologize ahead of time of maybe lack of understanding generics.


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