java - Specify File Path in Formula String in POI -

im new poi , have requirement search given list of strings in 2 different excel sheets have occurence of search strings, 1 or more times.

now, im using cell itereator iterate through rows search strings,

for (string searchstring : searchlist){ list<row> matchedrows = getmatchedrows(searchstring);  


public list<row> getmatchedrows(string searchstring) list<row> rowsmatched = new arraylist(); (row rowofsheet : worksheet) { if(rowofsheet.getcell(index).getstringcellvalue().equalsignorecase(searchstring)) {     rowsmatched.add(rowofsheet)            }      } } 

but performance getting affected have huge records in excelsheet searchlist. tried use "match" formula index of matching row using evaluator, couldnt gt correct syntax, when try execute following:


this gives me following exception:

 exception in thread "main" java.lang.illegalargumentexception: invalid sheetindex: -1. @<init>( @ @ @ @ @ 

how specify complete file path in formulae string. refrred following bt not working out me.

how solve this. suggestions , solutions helpful. in advance. please give solution asap need badly.


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