shell - How can I tail a log file with the date appended to its name? -

i trying use tail -f command on file name changes daily i.e. current date appended name. tried doing :

currentdate=$(date +%y%m%d.log)  tail -f $currentdate 

but tails files currentdate set time when script executed. there way tail command can automatically switch new file when date changes ? cannot use crontab here execute command every day. using flume ng exec source.

i appreciate on this.

there no way tail command can automatically switch new file different name when date changes. thus, have kill old tail , start new 1 in due time.

while     tail -f `date +%y%m%d.log`& sleep $(expr `date +%s -d'day 0'` - `date +%s`)  kill $! done 


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