twitter bootstrap - Making yiistrap modal window draggable -

how can make yiistrap modal window draggable using jquery ui? know how bootstrap how should make changes yiistrap? in bootstrap this

$("#mymodal").draggable({ handle: ".modal-header" }); 

i found answer problem , posting code making modal window draggable in yiistrap. hope helpful others also.

<?php $this->beginwidget('bootstrap.widgets.tbmodal', array(     'id'=>'mymodal',     'fade' => false,     'htmloptions' => array('style' => 'width: 1253px; margin-left: -646px; margin-top: -95px; left: 610px; height: 648px'),     'options' => array('backdrop' => 'static', 'keyboard' => true)     ));  ?> <script> $(function(){$("#mymodal").draggable().resizable();}); </script> //modal header part //modal body part //modal footer part 

don't forget include jquery-ui.css.


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