jquery - Applying Slidesjs slide on Knockout binded image list -
when try apply slidesjs (carousel-like) slide animation on image list (shown below), error appears , images stacked on no slide animation. tried image slider on knockout binded image list fed web api? uncaught typeerror cannot read property 'style' of undefined (at slidescontrol[0].style[transform] below) if (this.data.vendorprefix) { prefix = this.data.vendorprefix; transform = prefix + "transform"; duration = prefix + "transitionduration"; timing = prefix + "transitiontimingfunction"; error line-->slidescontrol[0].style[transform] = "translatex(" + direction + "px)"; ...[script goes on] error occurs because there no style attribute on slidescontainer[0], there no slidescontainer either beacuse set as: slidescontrol = $(".slidesjs-control", $element) so problem why slidesjs-control not generated slidesjs plugin. idea? edit (a hint) i have discovered when sl...