java - How to connect vaadin 7 with Google map -

i used com.vaadin.tapio.googlemaps.googlemap component connect google map vaadin.

i tried below code.(vaadin 7.0.2)

public class storesmainview extends verticallayout implements view {      @override     public void enter(viewchangeevent event) {         setsizefull();           googlemap googlemap = new googlemap(new latlon(-27.47101, 153.02429), 10.0, "");         googlemap.setsizefull();         googlemap.setimmediate(true);         googlemap.setminzoom(4.0);         addcomponent(googlemap);       } 

but gives below error when running.i added dependency in pom.

widgetset not contain implementation com.vaadin.tapio.googlemaps.googlemap. check component connector's @connect mapping, widgetsets gwt module description file , re-compile widgetset. in case have downloaded vaadin add-on package, might want refer add-on instructions. 

in web.xml have define widget set below

 <init-param>         <param-name>widgetset</param-name>         <param-value>com.client.dashboardwidgetset</param-value>     </init-param> 

and dashboardwidgetset below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype module public "-//google inc.//dtd google web toolkit 1.7.0//en" ""> <module>     <inherits name="com.vaadin.defaultwidgetset" />      <inherits name="org.vaadin.cssinject.cssinject_addonwidgetset" />     <!--  -->      <set-configuration-property name="devmoderedirectenabled"         value="true" />      <!-- uncomment following compile widgetset 1 browser only.          can reduce gwt compilation time when debugging.          line should commented out before deployment production environments.          multiple browsers can specified gwt 1.7 comma separated list.          supported user agents @ moment of writing were: ie6,ie8,gecko,gecko1_8,safari,opera          value gecko1_8 used firefox 3 , later , safari used          webkit based browsers including google chrome. -->     <!-- <set-property name="user.agent" value="safari"/> -->      <!-- widgetsetoptimizer -->      <inherits name="org.vaadin.easyuploads.widgetset" />      <inherits name="com.vaadin.tapio.googlemaps.widgetset" />  </module> 

any appreciated.

you need make sure widgetset init-param in web.xml points right widgetset. default 1 not contain information google map component's widgets.


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