dns - SPF softfail dragging me to an abyss -

mail sent php not delivered clients , suspecting due spf test returning softfail domain of transitioning . message details below:

delivered-to: eric.clapton@gmail.com received: smtp id i10csp74854igv;     mon, 7 oct 2013 03:21:52 -0700 (pdt) x-received: smtp id b1mr2455965pbm.53.1381141311313;     mon, 07 oct 2013 03:21:51 -0700 (pdt) return-path: <craig@abc.com> received: mtarelay2.ops.gq1.yahoo.net (mtarelay2.ops.gq1.yahoo.net. [])     mx.google.com esmtp id f6si4349525pba.278.1969.;     mon, 07 oct 2013 03:21:51 -0700 (pdt) received-spf: softfail (google.com: domain of transitioning craig@abc.com not     designate permitted sender) client-ip=; authentication-results: mx.google.com;    spf=softfail (google.com: domain of transitioning craig@abc.com not designate permitted sender) smtp.mail=craig@abc.com received: p10db3.geo.gq1.yahoo.com (p10db3.geo.gq1.yahoo.com []) mtarelay2.ops.gq1.yahoo.net (postfix) esmtp id 764e0511eb <eric.clapton@gmail.com>; mon,  7 oct 2013 10:21:35 +0000 (utc) received: (from root@localhost) p10db3.geo.gq1.yahoo.com (8.14.4/8.14.4/submit) id r97alzij005899; mon, 7 oct 2013 03:21:35 -0700 date: mon, 7 oct 2013 03:21:35 -0700 message-id: <201310071021.r97alzij005899@p10db3.geo.gq1.yahoo.com> to: eric.clapton@gmail.com subject: client invoice from: craig@abc.com mime-version: 1.0 

spf settings domain is:

v=spf1 mx ~all  

check ips allowed send emails sender domain. website lets see allowed ips: http://spf.myisp.ch

if sender ip not match ip or ip range shows might need edit spf settings.


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