javascript - multiple instances of valums file uploader -

i'm trying multiple instances of valum file uploader working on site. works great 1 instance anytime loop on initialization code, wanting multiple buttons don't see buttons. here's code:

<cfoutput query="gettopics">  <script>             function createuploader(){                     var uploader = new qq.fileuploader({             element: document.getelementbyid('file-uploader#reftopicid#'),             action: 'components/projectbean.cfc',             params: {method: 'upload',                     topicid: #reftopicid#,                     count: #evaluate("session.#reftopicabv#count")#,                     topicname: '#reftopicabv#'                     },             encoding: 'multipart'         });                }      // in app create uploader dom ready     // don't wait window load       window.onload = createuploader;      </script>  <div class="row" id="file-uploader#reftopicid#">         </div> 

any idea how multiple instance? in advance!

you're creating javascript function inside of loop. in other words you're defining multiple times.

instead should move createuploader function outside of loop. , within loop, call multiple times each of topics.

something this:

<script>             function createuploader(elementid, topicid, topiccount, topicname){                     var uploader = new qq.fileuploader({             element: document.getelementbyid(elementid),             action: 'components/projectbean.cfc',             params: {method: 'upload',                     topicid: topicid,                     count: topiccount,                     topicname: topicname                     },             encoding: 'multipart'         });                }    </script>  <cfoutput query="gettopics"> <script>             createuploader('file-uploader#gettopics.reftopicid#', #gettopics.reftopicid#, #session[gettopics.reftopicabv & "count"]#, '#gettopics.reftopicabv#');    </script>  <div class="row" id="file-uploader#gettopics.reftopicid#"> </div> </cfoutput> 

nb: i'm assuming values come query gettopics, i've prefixed them query name scope them properly. isn't essential, it's practice performance reasons (among other things).


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