php - Facebook Realtime API -

i believe have facebook realtime notifications set correctly don't receive notifications. ideas?

realtime call url setup

and here callback.php

define('verify_token', 'secret');                                     $method = $_server['request_method'];                                if ($method == 'get' && $_get['hub_mode'] == 'subscribe' && $_get['hub_verify_token'] == verify_token) {    echo $_get['hub_challenge']; } else if ($method == 'post') {     if ( isset( $_server['http_x_hub_signature'] ) ) {     $post_body = file_get_contents("php://input");      if ($_server['http_x_hub_signature'] == "sha1=" . hash_hmac('sha1', $post_body, verify_token)) {          $object = json_decode($post_body, true);          file_put_contents('/path_to_folder/updates.txt', $object, file_append);          }            } } 

i'm not getting , .txt file not created.


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