mysql - What is wrong with this SQL for phpBB? -

updated sql: environment mysql 5.5. sql being generated through phpbb abstraction layer when see sql looks valid.

select f.*, t.*, p.*, u.*, tt.mark_time topic_mark_time, ft.mark_time forum_mark_time (phpbb_posts p cross join phpbb_users u cross join phpbb_topics t) left join  phpbb_forums f on (t.forum_id = f.forum_id) left join phpbb_topics_track tt on  (t.topic_id = tt.topic_id , tt.user_id = 2) left join phpbb_forums_track ft on  (f.forum_id = ft.forum_id , ft.user_id = 2) p.topic_id = t.topic_id ,  p.poster_id = u.user_id , p.post_time > 1380495918 , p.forum_id in (7, 6, 5, 3, 4, 2, 1) , p.post_approved = 1 order t.topic_last_post_time desc, p.post_time limit 18446744073709551615 

error is:

unknown column 't.topic_id' in 'on clause' [1054]

all column names exist. tables exist. aliases exist.

here's associated code:

$sql_array = array(     'select'    => 'f.*, t.*, p.*, u.*, tt.mark_time topic_mark_time, ft.mark_time forum_mark_time',      'from'      => array(         posts_table => 'p',         users_table => 'u',         topics_table => 't'),      'where'     => "$topics_posts_join_sql                 , p.poster_id = u.user_id                 $date_limit_sql                 $fetched_forums_str                 $new_topics_sql                 $remove_mine_sql                 $filter_foes_sql                 , p.post_approved = 1",      'order_by'  => $order_by_sql );  $sql_array['left_join'] = array(     array(         'from'  => array(forums_table => 'f'),         'on'    => 't.forum_id = f.forum_id'     ),     array(         'from'  => array(topics_track_table => 'tt', forums_track_table => 'ft'),         'on'    => "t.topic_id = tt.topic_id , tt.user_id  = $user_id"     ),         array(         'from'  => array(forums_track_table => 'ft'),         'on'    => "f.forum_id = ft.forum_id , ft.user_id = $user_id"     ) );  $sql = $db->sql_build_query('select', $sql_array); 

t.topic_id = topics_track_table.topic_i 

is wrong. make sure uses correct alias tt


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