spring - Any reference to use JavaDB in Spring3.0? -

i trying use javadb(apache derby) in spring framework. found bunch of derby sample codes web , works nice. however, every code found not using spring framework.

i want use derby in spring way not uses connection interface , preparedstatement. there sample using derby in spring?

p.s. furthermore, put 'derby.jar' file "src/main/webapp/resouces" can not find reference.(error message classnotfoundexception) added 'javadb : : zip' pom.xml(which means maven) still not work. idea welcomed. thanks

what's problem ? post stack trace here. if using maven , post pom.xml . there no different use spring or framework. in fact irrelevant . did added derby dependency pom ?

         <dependency> <groupid>org.apache.derby</groupid> <artifactid>derby</artifactid> <version></version>         </dependency> 


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