c++ - Resource (e.g. FLS index) exhaustion with CRT-statically-linked COM InProc servers -

i think static-linking (to crt, i.e. /mt compiler option) convenient when building small tools, easy deployment. (sysinternals tools process explorer example of that.)

however, made me note crt uses several resources might run out in contexts plugin architectures (e.g. shell extensions): in particular, fls index seems 1 runs out quickest, , loadlibrary() fail when loading 127th crt-statically-linked dll.

i've built shell extensions, , i've never encountered problem, though.

has ever experienced resource exhaustion problem crt-statically-linked in-proc com servers (like shell extensions)?

if so, there "fix" (other using dynamic-linking crt, unfortunately complicates deployment, , requires megabytes download vcredist, when instead small stuff crt statically-linked few hundreds kilobytes...).

hmya, bit worrying if have backup in case meteor impact destroys machine. user of shell extension have figured out while ago a-miss. getting 100+ dlls injected process every time uses file + open dialog not go unobserved, program dead world 5 seconds or more.

so either , cleans machine utility sysinternals' autoruns. you'll survive if extension useful enough. or user takes no countermeasure , happy there's hard upper limit. extension fail there's no way user tell why. might support call, know it.


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