javascript - html form does not respond to hitting "enter" button -

i have html form, not sends data php file, buts sends data javascipt function.

works fine if hit "go" button, if choose , hit "enter", not work. not send data function, is.

i have made other forms same pattern, send data javascript function in same file , work . 1 refuses.

how fix this? thanks

<form id="boroughform" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="#" onsubmit="return goborough(this); return false;" > choose borough:<br/>  <select name="boroughselect" id="boroughselect" >   <option selected value=" ">choose...</option> //fill options results of query performed eariler - works     <?php          ($v=0; $v< sizeof($borough) ; $v++)                 {echo '"<option value="'.$bid[$v].','.$bboxa[$v].','.$bboxb[$v].','.$bboxc[$v].','.$bboxd[$v].'" >'.$borough[$v].'</option>';}        ?>  </select><br/>   <input type="submit"  value="go" name="postbor" class="formbutton"> </form>    //the js function goborough(g){            var binfo=g.elements['boroughselect'].value;           if(binfo!=" "){                   //some cool openlayers staff here           return false;           }           else{alert('you have not chosen borough !!! ');return false;}  } 

in form element (the select) try this,

onkeypress="if(event.keycode==13) {this.submit();}" 

or use jquery,

$(document).ready(function() {   $("input").keypress(function(event) {     if (event.which == 13) {         event.preventdefault();         $("#broughtform").submit();     }   }); }); 


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