Converting Pseudo Code To Python -

i trying convert pseudo code python. have no clue on how this. looks simple have no knowledge of python, making impossible me do. pseudo code:

main module  declare option  declare value  declare cost  while(choice ==’y’)  write “vehicle shipping rates africa”  write “1. car ghana”  write “2. van nigeria”  write “3. truck togo”  write “4. van kenya”  write “5. truck somalia”  write “enter choice:”  option  write “enter car price:”  value  if ( option = 1)  cost = value / 0.30;  write “it cost $”+cost "to ship car cost $” +value+"  ghana."  else if (option = 2)  cost = value / 0.20;  write “it cost $”+cost "to ship car cost $” +value+"  nigeria."  else if ( option = 3)  cost = value / 0.33;  write “it cost $”+cost "to ship car cost $” +value+"  togo."  else if (option = 4)  cost = value / 0.17;  write “it cost $”+cost "to ship car cost $” +value+"  kenya."  else if ( option = 5)  cost = value / 0.31;  write “it cost $”+cost "to ship car cost $” +value+"  somalia."  else  write “this not valid selection” “please try again.”  endif  write “vehicle price entered:”, value  write “shipping cost:”, cost  write “would choose selection, y=yes or n=no.”  choice  end while  write “thank our application.”  end main module 

you should try code before posing on stack overflow. work won't catch error conditions.

options = [     {'vehicle': 'car', 'destination': 'ghana', 'coeff': 0.3},     {'vehicle': 'van', 'destination': 'nigeria', 'coeff': 0.2},     {'vehicle': 'truck', 'destination': 'togo', 'coeff': 0.33},     {'vehicle': 'van', 'destination': 'kenya', 'coeff': 0.17},     {'vehicle': 'truck', 'destination': 'somalia', 'coeff': 0.31}, ] while true:     print("vehicle shipping rates africa")     i, opt in enumerate(options):         print("%i. %s %s" % (i+1, opt['vehicle'], opt['destination']))     option = options[int(raw_input("enter choice:"))]     value = float(raw_input("enter car price:"))     cost = value / option['coeff']     print("it cost $%s ship %s cost $%s %s." % (cost, option['vehicle'], value, option['destination']))     print("vehicle price entered: %s" % value)     print("shipping cost: %s" % cost)     again = raw_input("would choose selection, y=yes or n=no.")     if again.lower() == 'n':         break print("thank our application.") 


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