symfony - Sonata Admin configureListFields -

is possible make custom query in sonataadmin in configurelistfields ? .

in function :

protected function configurelistfields(listmapper $listmapper) { $listmapper ->>add(.... ; }

thank !

you should override createquery method (source):

public function createquery($context = 'list')  {      $query = parent::createquery($context);      // queryproxy, can call call on doctrine orm querybuilder      $query->andwhere(          $query->expr()->eq($query->getrootalias().'.username', ':username')      );      $query->setparameter('username', 'test'); // eg security context      return $query;  }  

afaik, cannot change select part of query , cannot use group by, because internally sonata runs query @ least 2 times. first, checks how many rows query returns. second, runs query paginated.


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