java - Text in TextView fades out when scrolling -

i'm using text view show in-app logging statements. old code had placed text view inside of scroll view, having memory issues removed scroll view. set text view this:

this.settext(text); this.setmovementmethod(new scrollingmovementmethod()); 

this allows me scroll through text, text fades out when scrolling. it's white text on black background , fades out dark grey. once release finger text color comes back, prefer not fade out @ all. logcat statement of:

textview not support text selection. action mode cancelled. 

not sure if related, don't want text editable, feel if fading may app telling me can't edit text.

edit: set settextisselectable true, , not fade when scrolling, lets user select text unnecessary.

i solved it, solution hard code text color:


i'm sure there other setting have disabled couldn't find it, , worked. if can give more in depth solution option disable fading, gladly accept answer on one.


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