wcf - 405 Method Not Allowed - Dynamics GP 2010 Web Service -

i trying access client's gp 2010 web service, error:

the request failed http status 405: method not allowed.

the url http://www.xyz.com:48620/dynamics/gpservice

in visual studio, see url in add web reference box:


when visit url in browser, can see wsdl:

enter image description here

here wsdl code:


the customer has installed gp2010 web service , appears in browser. cannot add reference in visual studio. customer has added inbound , outbound firewall rule.

am using wrong url or there else install?

when add web reference, add localhost:48620/dynamics/gpservice . if need authenticate one, add change url:

 // create instance of service         dynamicsgp.core.dynamicsgpservice.dynamicsgp wsdynamicsgp = new dynamicsgp.core.dynamicsgpservice.dynamicsgp();         wsdynamicsgp.url = "http://www.mysite.com:48620/dynamicsgpwebservices/dynamicsgpservice.asmx";         // sure default credentials used         wsdynamicsgp.usedefaultcredentials = true;         wsdynamicsgp.credentials = new networkcredential("username", "password", "domain");          companycriteria cc = new companycriteria();         company[] c = wsdynamicsgp.getcompanylist(cc, new context());           return wsdynamicsgp; 


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