ios - How to sort NSArray of custom objects by a specific property in descending order? -

how make piece of code order in descending order. code gives me array in ascending order:

nsarray *sortedproductsbystyle = [unsortedproducts sortedarrayusingcomparator: ^(product *p1, product *p2) {         return [p1.productstyle compare:p2.productstyle options:nsnumericsearch];     }]; 

i thought using nsordereddescending work didn't:

nsarray *sortedproductsbystyle = [unsortedproducts sortedarrayusingcomparator: ^(product *p1, product *p2) {         return [p1.productstyle compare:p2.productstyle options:nsnumericsearch | nsordereddescending];     }]; 

any ideas?

how inverting compare order?

nsarray *sortedproductsbystyle = [unsortedproducts sortedarrayusingcomparator: ^(product *p1, product *p2) {     return [p2.productstyle compare:p1.productstyle options:nsnumericsearch]; }]; 


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