How to compile vim 64-bit on windows using MinGW-64? -

i tried compile vim 64-bit on windows. don't know how use mingw-64. there's mingw-32-make in 32-bit version, use build. didn't find 'make' program in 64-bit mingw. please tell me how use mingw-64, or tutorial follow?

thank you.

it not matter source make program comes, must able execute makefile. compile vim mingw specific compiler , make_ming.mak makefile used use following:

  1. export environment variable cc set appropriate compiler (in case 32-bit named i686-pc-mingw32-gcc).
  2. export environment variable ld set appropriate linker (in case similar, -ld suffix in place of -gcc). sure found on $path: not sure kind of escaping should make makefile work avoid necessity escaping.
  3. export environment variable prefix pointing directory mingw resides (in case /usr/i686-mingw32: cross-compiling).
  4. export environment variable vim_cv_toupper_broken set yes. not sure why did this.
  5. finally run make:

    cd {path/to/vim/repository}/src make -f make_ming.mak features=huge cross_compile=i686-pc-mingw32- optimize=speed vimruntimedir="c:\\vim73\\runtime" cross=yes arch=i686 

    . not need cross_compile , cross options , arch should omitted (or equal x86_64). vimruntimedir should point place plan install vim. not sure escaping though.

exporting environment variables should done with

set var=value 

, e.g.

set cc=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc 

(use actual name of executable). if not work try moving them make command line:

make -f make_ming.mak cc=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc ld=… … 


and variables python (should present on command-line):

python="p:\\ath\\to\\directory\\with\\python" pythoninc="p:\\ath\\to\\directory\\with\\python\\header\\files" python_ver=27 python_ver_long=2.7.5 

. (if using python msi installer pythoninc %python%\\include. 90% directory trailing path component include. should contain @ least python.h file.)


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