excel - Altering code to look through multiple workbooks -

i have below code , alter instead of going through current spreadsheet, looks through multiple workbooks stored in folder on c drive.

sub test()  dim wb1 workbook, wb2 workbook dim ws1 worksheet, ws2 worksheet dim copyfrom range dim lrow long '<~~ not integer. might give error in higher versions of excel dim strsearch string  set wb1 = thisworkbook ' application.workbooks.open("c:\sample.xlsx") set ws1 = wb1.worksheets("fca")  strsearch = activesheet.inputname.text    ws1      '~~> remove filters     .autofiltermode = false      lrow = .range("h" & .rows.count).end(xlup).row      .range("h1:h" & lrow)         .autofilter field:=1, criteria1:="=*" & strsearch & "*"         set copyfrom = .offset(1, 0).specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).entirerow     end      '~~> remove filters     .autofiltermode = false end  '~~> destination file set ws2 = wb1.worksheets("output")  ws2     if application.worksheetfunction.counta(.cells) <> 0         lrow = .cells.find(what:="*", _                       after:=.range("h1"), _                       lookat:=xlpart, _                       lookin:=xlformulas, _                       searchorder:=xlbyrows, _                       searchdirection:=xlprevious, _                       matchcase:=false).row + 1     else         lrow = 1     end if      copyfrom.copy .rows(lrow) end   end sub 

sub loopthroughfiles()     dim path string     dim filename string     dim wb workbook     path = ""  'your folder path here     filename = dir(path & "*.xls")      while (filename <> "")         set wb = workbooks.open(path & filename)         'your code goes here         wb.close         filename = dir     wend end sub 


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