php - MySQL insert String error - UTF-8? -

i inserting mysql database. following error when trying insert

incorrect string value: '\xf0\x9f\x87\xb7\xf0\x9f...' column 'field_4' @ row 1 

i thought had figured out error changing column encoding utf8mb4 , had tested error appeared again. using php parse string , run following function before inserting...

function strip_emoji($subject) {     if (is_array($subject)) {         // recursive strip multidimensional array         foreach ($subject &$value) $value = $this->strip_emoji($value);         return $subject;     } else {         // match emoticons         $regexemoticons = '/[\x{1f600}-\x{1f64f}]/u';         $clean_text = preg_replace($regexemoticons, '', $subject);          // match miscellaneous symbols , pictographs         $regexsymbols = '/[\x{1f300}-\x{1f5ff}]/u';         $clean_text = preg_replace($regexsymbols, '', $clean_text);          // match transport , map symbols         $regextransport = '/[\x{1f680}-\x{1f6ff}]/u';         $clean_text = preg_replace($regextransport, '', $clean_text);         return  } 

there several similar questions still have these errors. further advice on how prevent error? realize emoji unicode character / sprite not sure how deal it.

do have utf8 charset connection well?

adding ";charset=utf8" in pdo-connection string, or executing query "set names utf8".


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