App Engine: jar in WEB-INF/lib but still getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException -

during app engine application's runtime, receive following exception:

java.lang.exceptionininitializererror @ org.hibernate.validator.messageinterpolation.resourcebundlemessageinterpolator.interpolateexpression(  ... (removed brevity)  caused by: java.lang.classnotfoundexception: de.odysseus.el.expressionfactoryimpl 

i had seen error on dev server , fixed including juel-impl in pom.xml

when use pull application server, see has juel-impl-2.2.7-20130801.163115-1.jar included in web-inf/lib

i'm not sure make of this.

update: according gae issue tracker, has been fixed in version 1.9.7. earlier versions, see below.

hibernate validator 5.x makes use of unified expression language. in particular, uses static api method looks implementation of expressionfactory. bug in app engine 1.9.4 , earlier, however, seems prevent use of expression factory implementation in production only.

until fixed, there 2 workarounds:

  1. if don't need bean validation 1.1 features, fall hibernate validator have tested this.

    <dependency>     <groupid>org.hibernate</groupid>     <artifactid>hibernate-validator</artifactid>     <version></version> </dependency> 
  2. if need bean validation 1.1, there have been reports make work repository snapshot of apache bval. haven't tested this.

update note: specifying expression language implementation stated in earlier response (glassfish el or juel) works fine in development , in production use cases, still fail validations.


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