javascript - Copy innerHtml of Table cell into the clipboard without flash (like in google docs) -

i have html table want users copy innerhtml of table cells clipboard. aware browser sandboxed , not allowed on many browsers.

i have searched many similar questions on , aware question considered duplicate many (however believe question relevant again):

  1. copy clipboard using javascript
  2. how copy clipboard in javascript?
  3. way copy clipboard in pure javascript?

the answers questions above can summerized in:

  • in ie possible copy element clipboard using api so:

    copiedtxt = element.createtextrange(); copiedtxt.execcommand("copy"); 
  • it not possible cross-browser without flash.

the reason why decided ask question again two-fold: 1. answers , questions old (1-2 years) 2. google docs manages copy selected cells in spreadsheet on firefox clipboard, , without flash.

so there has way perform operation on firefox , webkit without use of flash. have idea of how guys @ google managed implement functionality on spreadsheet?


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