assembly - Merge sort segmentation Fault NASM -

hi trying implement mergesort algorithm in nasm on linux, getting segmentation fault, typed in konsole "gdb mergesort core" , got

"el núcleo se generó por «./mergesort».  el programa terminó con la señal 11, segmentation fault.  #0  0x080481a5 in ?? () (gdb) bt  #0  0x080481a5 in ?? ()  #1  0x080481b1 in ?? ()  #2  0x080480af in ?? ()"    

but don`t understand or segmentation fault taking place. me please?

im sorry first time pasting code here don`t know how indent way should

the code in nasm following:

bits 32 extern printf     section .data     section .text   global _start    global main, main:   _start:  nop; mov edi, sorted mov esi, array mov ecx, 10 rep movsd  push 10 push 0 push sorted call mergesort add esp, 12  push sorted push 10 call print add esp, 8 ret  merge: push ebp mov ebp, esp push eax push ecx push edx push edi push esi    mov ecx, [ebp+20] sub ecx, [ebp+12]  shl dword[ebp+12], 2 shl dword[ebp+16], 2 shl dword[ebp+20], 2  mov edx, temp        mov edi, [ebp+8]     add edi, [ebp+16]       mov esi, [ebp+8] add [ebp+12], esi add [ebp+16], esi add [ebp+20], esi mov esi, [ebp+12]  .next:  cmp esi, [ebp+16] jnz .second  cmp edi, [ebp+20] jnz .first  jmp .end    .first: cmp esi, [ebp+16] jnz .second   mov eax, [edi] mov [edx], eax add edx, 4 add edi, 4 jmp .next  .second: cmp edi, [ebp+20] jnz .third   mov eax, [esi] mov [edx], eax add edx, 4 add esi, 4 jmp .next  .third: mov eax, [esi] cmp eax, [edi] jnl .forth   mov [edx], eax add edx, 4 add esi, 4 jmp .next  .forth: mov eax, [edi] mov [edx], eax add edi, 4 add edx, 4 jmp .next .end:    mov esi, temp mov edi, [ebp+12] rep movsd   pop esi pop edi pop edx pop ecx pop eax mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret  mergesort: push ebp mov ebp, esp push eax  mov eax, dword[ebp+16]   sub eax, [ebp+12]    cmp eax, 2 jl .end     push edx     push ebx         xor edx, edx         mov ebx, 2         div ebx     pop ebx     pop edx     add eax, [ebp+12]          push eax             push dword[ebp+12]       push dword[ebp+8]        call mergesort     add esp, 12      push dword[ebp+16]       push eax             push dword[ebp+8]        call mergesort     add esp, 12      push dword[ebp+16]       push eax             push dword[ebp+12]       push dword[ebp+8]        call merge     add esp, 16 .end: pop eax mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret   print: push ebp     mov ebp, esp push ecx push edx  mov edx, [ebp+12] mov ecx, [ebp+8]  .args:     push ecx     push edx     push dword[edx]     push format     call print     add esp, 8     pop edx     pop ecx     add edx, 4 loop .args  push endl call print add esp, 4  pop edx      pop ecx      mov esp, ebp     pop ebp      ret       format: db  ' %2d', 0 endl: db  10, 0  array: dd  10, 9, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 2, 1   section .bss sorted: resd    10 temp: resd    10 

first, why have data defined in code section? this:

format: db  ' %2d', 0 endl: db  10, 0  array: dd  10, 9, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 2, 1 

should in .data section.

add debug symbols object file adding -f stabs command line nasm (in linux is) unsure of option windows. nasm -f elf -f stabs $(app).asm

this show function names in gdb backtrace.

the problem seems in print function, @ carefully! recursively calling it.

print:     push    ebp         mov     ebp, esp     push    ecx     push    edx      mov edx, [ebp+12]     mov ecx, [ebp+8]  .args:     push    ecx     push    edx      push    dword[edx]     push    format     call    print ; <<<<<<<<<<     add     esp, 8      pop     edx     pop     ecx      add     edx, 4     loop    .args      push    endl     call    print ; <<<<<<<<<<     add     esp, 4      pop     edx          pop     ecx          mov     esp, ebp         pop     ebp          ret      

i think mean call printf

print:     push    ebp         mov     ebp, esp     push    ecx     push    edx      mov     edx, [ebp+12]     mov     ecx, [ebp+8]  .args:     push    ecx     push    edx      push    dword[edx]     push    format     call    printf     add     esp, 8      pop     edx     pop     ecx      add     edx, 4     loop    .args      push    endl     call    printf     add     esp, 4      pop     edx          pop     ecx          mov     esp, ebp         pop     ebp          ret   

see difference? fix issue , seems print out correctly! enter image description here


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