java - How do I put multiple JPanels (3) in a JPanel Using JTabbedPane? -

i trying create gui app using jtabbedpane create 5 tabs connected database. each tab contains panel 3 panels in (one panel hold jbuttons hold jlabels , jtextfields , last hold jtable. each south, center , north respectively). after creating tabs , components, last tab displays , displays incorrectly (it displays jlabels, jtextfields , jbuttons of 5 tabs). if remove tabs , leave 1 displays correctly if more one, displays on last tab. don't know how resolve it. please me.

the source code bit lengthy please bear me , me check it. if there better way write code please let me know.

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.event.actionlistener; import java.sql.*; import java.util.vector;  public class project_salesdatabase extends jframe {  jtabbedpane tabbedpane = new jtabbedpane(); imageicon icon = createimageicon("images/middle.gif"); jbutton view = new jbutton(" view "); jbutton save = new jbutton(" save "); jbutton addnew = new jbutton(" add new "); jbutton exit = new jbutton(" exit application "); jpanel displaybiscuitspanel = new jpanel(); jpanel displaycookingpanel = new jpanel(); jpanel displaycustomerspanel = new jpanel(); jpanel displayemployeespanel = new jpanel(); jpanel displayprovisionspanel = new jpanel(); jpanel displaybutton = new jpanel(); jpanel displaycontent = new jpanel((new gridlayout(10, 2))); jpanel displaytable = new jpanel(new gridlayout(1, 2)); jtextfield biscuitname = new jtextfield(); jtextfield biscuitprice = new jtextfield(); jtextfield biscuitcompany = new jtextfield(); jtextfield quantityofbiscuitsbought = new jtextfield(); jtextfield quantityofbiscuitssold = new jtextfield(); jtextfield quantityinstock = new jtextfield(); jtextfield itemname = new jtextfield(); jtextfield itemprice = new jtextfield(); jtextfield itemtype = new jtextfield(); jtextfield quantityofitemsbought = new jtextfield(); jtextfield quantityofitemssold = new jtextfield(); jtextfield firstname = new jtextfield(); jtextfield lastname = new jtextfield(); jtextfield customerattendant = new jtextfield(); jtextfield customerattendantposition = new jtextfield(); jtextfield iscustomeradebtor = new jtextfield(); jtextfield ordernumber = new jtextfield(); jtextfield debtamount = new jtextfield(); jtextfield address = new jtextfield(); jtextfield phonenumber = new jtextfield(); jtextfield position = new jtextfield(); jtextfield age = new jtextfield(); jtextfield salary = new jtextfield(); jtextfield nextofkin = new jtextfield(); jtextfield relationshipwithnextofkin = new jtextfield(); jtextfield nextofkinphonenumber = new jtextfield(); jtextfield itemcompany = new jtextfield();  public static void main(string[] args) {     project_salesdatabase mainframe = new project_salesdatabase();     mainframe.setlocationrelativeto(null);     mainframe.setvisible(true);     mainframe.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); }  public project_salesdatabase() {      settitle(" database app ");     setsize(1000, 500);      // create tab pages     biscuitstable();     cookingingredientstable();     customerstable();     employeestable();     provisionstable();      jpanel toppanel = new jpanel();     toppanel.setlayout(new gridlayout(1, 3));     getcontentpane().add(toppanel);     toppanel.add(tabbedpane,;       // create tabs in tabbedpane     tabbedpane.addtab("biscuits database", icon, displaybiscuitspanel,             "allows view or enter data biscuits database");      tabbedpane.addtab("cooking ingredients database", icon, displaycookingpanel,             "allows view or enter data cooking ingredients database");      tabbedpane.addtab("customers database", icon, displaycustomerspanel,             "allows view or enter data customers database");      tabbedpane.addtab("employees database", icon, displayemployeespanel,             "allows view or enter data employees database");      tabbedpane.addtab("provisions database", icon, displayprovisionspanel,             "allows view or enter data provisions database");      //enable scrolling in tabs.     tabbedpane.settablayoutpolicy(jtabbedpane.scroll_tab_layout); }  public static imageicon createimageicon(string path) { imgurl = project_salesdatabase.class.getresource(path);     if (imgurl != null) {         return new imageicon(imgurl);     } else {         system.err.println("couldn't find file: " + path);         return null;     } }  public final void biscuitstable() {     displaybiscuitspanel.setlayout(new borderlayout());     displaybiscuitspanel.add(displaycontent,;     displaybiscuitspanel.add(displaybutton, borderlayout.south);     displaybiscuitspanel.add(displaytable, borderlayout.north);      displaycontent.add(new jlabel("biscuit name"));     displaycontent.add(biscuitname);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("biscuit price"));     displaycontent.add(biscuitprice);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("biscuit company"));     displaycontent.add(biscuitcompany);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of biscuits bought"));     displaycontent.add(quantityofbiscuitsbought);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of biscuits sold"));     displaycontent.add(quantityofbiscuitssold);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity in stock"));     displaycontent.add(quantityinstock);      displaybutton.add(addnew);     displaybutton.add(save);     displaybutton.add(view);     displaybutton.add(exit);      view.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {              string db_url = "jdbc:odbc:projectsalesdatabase";             string username = "";             string password = "";             connection con = null;              try {                 class.forname("sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcdriver");                 con = drivermanager.getconnection(db_url, username, password);             } catch (classnotfoundexception | sqlexception f) {                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, f.getmessage());             }              statement state = null;             resultset set = null;              try {                  string query = "select * biscuits";                 state = con.createstatement();                 set = state.executequery(query);                  boolean nextrec =;                 if (!nextrec) {                     joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, "no record");                 } else {                     vector col = new vector();                     vector row = new vector();                      resultsetmetadata rsm = set.getmetadata();                      (int x = 1; x <= rsm.getcolumncount(); x++) {                         col.addelement(rsm.getcolumnname(x));                     }                     {                         row.addelement(getnextrow(set, rsm));                     } while (;                      jtable tab = new jtable(row, col);                     displaycontent.removeall();                     displaytable.removeall();                     displaytable.add(new jscrollpane(tab),;                      validate();                 }                 state.close();             } catch (sqlexception sql) {                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, sql.getmessage());             }         }     });      save.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {              try {                 string query = "insert biscuits values ('" + biscuitname.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + biscuitprice.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + biscuitcompany.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + quantityofbiscuitsbought.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + quantityofbiscuitssold.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + quantityinstock.gettext() + "')";                  string db_url = "jdbc:odbc:projectsalesdatabase";                 string username = "";                 string password = "";                 connection con = null;                 try {                     class.forname("sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcdriver");                     con = drivermanager.getconnection(db_url, username, password);                 } catch (classnotfoundexception | sqlexception f) {                      joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, f.getmessage());                 }                 statement state = con.createstatement();                 int rep = state.executeupdate(query);                 if (rep == 0) {                     joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, "no data saved");                 } else {                     joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, "data saved");                 }             } catch (sqlexception sqle) {                 sqle.getmessage();             }         }     });      addnew.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {              try {                  biscuitname.settext("");                 biscuitprice.settext("");                 biscuitcompany.settext("");                 quantityofbiscuitsbought.settext("");                 quantityofbiscuitssold.settext("");                 quantityinstock.settext("");                  displaytable.removeall();                 displaycontent.removeall();                  displaycontent.add(new jlabel("biscuit name"));                 displaycontent.add(biscuitname);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("biscuit price"));                 displaycontent.add(biscuitprice);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("biscuit company"));                 displaycontent.add(biscuitcompany);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of biscuits bought"));                 displaycontent.add(quantityofbiscuitsbought);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of biscuits sold"));                 displaycontent.add(quantityofbiscuitssold);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity in stock"));                 displaycontent.add(quantityinstock);                  validate();              } catch (exception f) {                 f.getmessage();             }         }     });      exit.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {             system.exit(0);         }     }); }  public final void cookingingredientstable() {     displaycookingpanel.setlayout(new borderlayout());     displaycookingpanel.add(displaycontent,;     displaycookingpanel.add(displaybutton, borderlayout.south);     displaycookingpanel.add(displaytable, borderlayout.north);      displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item name"));     displaycontent.add(itemname);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item price"));     displaycontent.add(itemprice);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item type"));     displaycontent.add(itemtype);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of items bought"));     displaycontent.add(quantityofitemsbought);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of items sold"));     displaycontent.add(quantityofitemssold);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity in stock"));     displaycontent.add(quantityinstock);      displaybutton.add(addnew);     displaybutton.add(save);     displaybutton.add(view);     displaybutton.add(exit);      view.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {             string db_url = "jdbc:odbc:projectsalesdatabase";             string username = "";             string password = "";             connection con = null;             try {                 class.forname("sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcdriver");                 con = drivermanager.getconnection(db_url, username, password);             } catch (classnotfoundexception | sqlexception f) {                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, f.getmessage());             }              statement state = null;             resultset set = null;              try {                  string query = "select * cookingingredients";                 state = con.createstatement();                 set = state.executequery(query);                  boolean nextrec =;                 if (!nextrec) {                     joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, "no record");                 } else {                     vector col = new vector();                     vector row = new vector();                      resultsetmetadata rsm = set.getmetadata();                      (int x = 1; x <= rsm.getcolumncount(); x++) {                         col.addelement(rsm.getcolumnname(x));                     }                     {                         row.addelement(getnextrow(set, rsm));                     } while (;                     jtable tab = new jtable(row, col);                     displaycontent.removeall();                     displaytable.removeall();                     displaytable.add(new jscrollpane(tab),;                     validate();                 }                 state.close();              } catch (sqlexception sql) {                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, sql.getmessage());             }         }     });      save.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {              try {                 string query = "insert cookingingredients values ('" + itemname.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + itemprice.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + itemtype.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + quantityofitemsbought.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + quantityofitemssold.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + quantityinstock.gettext() + "')";                  string db_url = "jdbc:odbc:projectsalesdatabase";                 string username = "";                 string password = "";                 connection con = null;                 try {                     class.forname("sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcdriver");                     con = drivermanager.getconnection(db_url, username, password);                 } catch (classnotfoundexception | sqlexception f) {                     joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, f.getmessage());                 }                 statement state = con.createstatement();                 int rep = state.executeupdate(query);                 if (rep == 0) {                     joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, "no data saved");                 } else {                     joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, "data saved");                 }             } catch (sqlexception sqle) {                 sqle.getmessage();             }         }     });      addnew.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {              try {                  itemname.settext("");                 itemprice.settext("");                 itemtype.settext("");                 quantityofitemsbought.settext("");                 quantityofbiscuitssold.settext("");                 quantityofitemssold.settext("");                 quantityinstock.settext("");                  displaytable.removeall();                 displaycontent.removeall();                  displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item name"));                 displaycontent.add(itemname);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item price"));                 displaycontent.add(itemprice);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item type"));                 displaycontent.add(itemtype);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of items bought"));                 displaycontent.add(quantityofitemsbought);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of items sold"));                 displaycontent.add(quantityofitemssold);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity in stock"));                 displaycontent.add(quantityinstock);                  validate();              } catch (exception f) {                 f.getmessage();             }         }     }); }  public final void customerstable() {     displaycustomerspanel.setlayout(new borderlayout());     displaycustomerspanel.add(displaycontent,;     displaycustomerspanel.add(displaybutton, borderlayout.south);     displaycustomerspanel.add(displaytable, borderlayout.north);      displaycontent.add(new jlabel("first name"));     displaycontent.add(firstname);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("last name"));     displaycontent.add(lastname);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("customer attendant"));     displaycontent.add(customerattendant);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("customer attendant's position"));     displaycontent.add(customerattendantposition);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("is customer debtor?"));     displaycontent.add(iscustomeradebtor);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("order number"));     displaycontent.add(ordernumber);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("debt amount"));     displaycontent.add(debtamount);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("customer's address"));     displaycontent.add(address);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("customer's phone number"));     displaycontent.add(phonenumber);      displaybutton.add(addnew);     displaybutton.add(save);     displaybutton.add(view);     displaybutton.add(exit);      //button actions same other methods. removed because of body character limits }  public final void employeestable() {     displayemployeespanel.setlayout(new borderlayout());     displayemployeespanel.add(displaycontent,;     displayemployeespanel.add(displaybutton, borderlayout.south);     displayemployeespanel.add(displaytable, borderlayout.north);      displaycontent.add(new jlabel("first name"));     displaycontent.add(firstname);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("last name"));     displaycontent.add(lastname);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("position"));     displaycontent.add(position);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("age"));     displaycontent.add(age);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("salary"));     displaycontent.add(salary);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("employees's address"));     displaycontent.add(address);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("employees's phone number(s)"));     displaycontent.add(phonenumber);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("next of kin"));     displaycontent.add(nextofkin);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("relationship next of kin"));     displaycontent.add(relationshipwithnextofkin);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("next of kin's phone number(s)"));     displaycontent.add(nextofkinphonenumber);      displaybutton.add(addnew);     displaybutton.add(save);     displaybutton.add(view);     displaybutton.add(exit);      //button actions same other methods. removed because of body character limits }  public final void provisionstable() {     displayprovisionspanel.setlayout(new borderlayout());     displayprovisionspanel.add(displaycontent,;     displayprovisionspanel.add(displaybutton, borderlayout.south);     displayprovisionspanel.add(displaytable, borderlayout.north);      displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item name"));     displaycontent.add(itemname);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item price"));     displaycontent.add(itemprice);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item company"));     displaycontent.add(itemcompany);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of items bought"));     displaycontent.add(quantityofitemsbought);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of items sold"));     displaycontent.add(quantityofitemssold);     displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity in stock"));     displaycontent.add(quantityinstock);      displaybutton.add(addnew);     displaybutton.add(save);     displaybutton.add(view);     displaybutton.add(exit);      view.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {             string db_url = "jdbc:odbc:projectsalesdatabase";             string username = "";             string password = "";             connection con = null;             try {                 class.forname("sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcdriver");                 con = drivermanager.getconnection(db_url, username, password);             } catch (classnotfoundexception | sqlexception f) {                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, f.getmessage());             }              statement state = null;             resultset set = null;              try {                  string query = "select * provisions";                 state = con.createstatement();                 set = state.executequery(query);                  boolean nextrec =;                 if (!nextrec) {                     joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, "no record");                 } else {                     vector col = new vector();                     vector row = new vector();                      resultsetmetadata rsm = set.getmetadata();                      (int x = 1; x <= rsm.getcolumncount(); x++) {                         col.addelement(rsm.getcolumnname(x));                     }                     {                         row.addelement(getnextrow(set, rsm));                     } while (;                      jtable tab = new jtable(row, col);                     displaycontent.removeall();                     displaytable.removeall();                     displaytable.add(new jscrollpane(tab),;                      validate();                 }                 state.close();             } catch (sqlexception sql) {                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, sql.getmessage());             }         }     });      save.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {              try {                 string query = "insert provisions values ('" + itemname.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + itemprice.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + itemcompany.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + quantityofitemsbought.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + quantityofitemssold.gettext() + "',"                         + "          '" + quantityinstock.gettext() + "')";                  string db_url = "jdbc:odbc:projectsalesdatabase";                 string username = "";                 string password = "";                 connection con = null;                 try {                     class.forname("sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcdriver");                     con = drivermanager.getconnection(db_url, username, password);                 } catch (classnotfoundexception | sqlexception f) {                     joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, f.getmessage());                 }                 statement state = con.createstatement();                 int rep = state.executeupdate(query);                 if (rep == 0) {                     joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, "no data saved");                 } else {                     joptionpane.showmessagedialog(rootpane, "data saved");                 }             } catch (sqlexception sqle) {                 sqle.getmessage();             }         }     });      addnew.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {              try {                  itemname.settext("");                 itemprice.settext("");                 itemcompany.settext("");                 quantityofitemsbought.settext("");                 quantityofitemssold.settext("");                 quantityinstock.settext("");                  displaytable.removeall();                 displaycontent.removeall();                  displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item name"));                 displaycontent.add(itemname);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item price"));                 displaycontent.add(itemprice);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("item company"));                 displaycontent.add(itemcompany);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of items bought"));                 displaycontent.add(quantityofitemsbought);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity of items sold"));                 displaycontent.add(quantityofitemssold);                 displaycontent.add(new jlabel("quantity in stock"));                 displaycontent.add(quantityinstock);                  validate();              } catch (exception f) {                 f.getmessage();             }         }     }); }  vector getnextrow(resultset set, resultsetmetadata rsm) {     vector currentrow = new vector();     try {         (int x = 1; x <= rsm.getcolumncount(); x++) {             switch (rsm.getcolumntype(x)) {                 case types.varchar:                     currentrow.addelement(set.getstring(x));                     break;                 case types.integer:                     currentrow.addelement(new long(set.getlong(x)));                     break;                 default:                     system.out.println("no column type known");                     break;             }         }     } catch (sqlexception sqle) {         sqle.getmessage();     }     return currentrow; } } 

i don't know why not working correctly. please if can try , compile/run see i'm saying. thanks.

i trying create gui app using jtabbedpane create 5 tabs. each tab contains panel 3 panels in it

as nature of swing components, can embed 1 jcomponent inside except jframe.
so, need create jpanel. make sure has gridlayout 3 cols , 1 row (or other way around, if need).
then, add 3 jpanels base jpanel has grid layout.

finally, add base jpanel jtabbedpane. have @ jpanel tutorial:


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