java - How to create and show Qr Code in Android App -

this question has answer here:

can me please. want write small app android has 1 button. when push it must show qr code. qr code must generated form string.

tryed far:

public void onclick(view v){      qrcodeencoder qrcodeencoder = new qrcodeencoder("hello",          null,          contents.type.text,          barcodeformat.qr_code.tostring(),          smallerdimension);      bitmap bitmap = qrcodeencoder.encodeasbitmap();  } 

first need add zing2.1.jar file in project below code

public final class qrcodeencoder {     private static final int white = 0xffffffff;     private static final int black = 0xff000000;      private int dimension = integer.min_value;     private string contents = null;     private string displaycontents = null;     private string title = null;     private barcodeformat format = null;     private boolean encoded = false;      public qrcodeencoder(string data, bundle bundle, string type, string format, int dimension) {         this.dimension = dimension;         encoded = encodecontents(data, bundle, type, format);     }      public string getcontents() {         return contents;     }      public string getdisplaycontents() {         return displaycontents;     }      public string gettitle() {         return title;     }      private boolean encodecontents(string data, bundle bundle, string type, string formatstring) {         // default qr_code if no format given.         format = null;         if (formatstring != null) {             try {                 format = barcodeformat.valueof(formatstring);             } catch (illegalargumentexception iae) {                 // ignore             }         }         if (format == null || format == barcodeformat.qr_code) {             this.format = barcodeformat.qr_code;             encodeqrcodecontents(data, bundle, type);         } else if (data != null && data.length() > 0) {             contents = data;             displaycontents = data;             title = "text";         }         return contents != null && contents.length() > 0;     }      private void encodeqrcodecontents(string data, bundle bundle, string type) {         if (type.equals(contents.type.text)) {             if (data != null && data.length() > 0) {                 contents = data;                 displaycontents = data;                 title = "text";             }         } else if (type.equals( {             data = trim(data);             if (data != null) {                 contents = "mailto:" + data;                 displaycontents = data;                 title = "e-mail";             }         } else if (type.equals( {             data = trim(data);             if (data != null) {                 contents = "tel:" + data;                 displaycontents = phonenumberutils.formatnumber(data);                 title = "phone";             }         } else if (type.equals(contents.type.sms)) {             data = trim(data);             if (data != null) {                 contents = "sms:" + data;                 displaycontents = phonenumberutils.formatnumber(data);                 title = "sms";             }         } else if (type.equals( {             if (bundle != null) {                 stringbuilder newcontents = new stringbuilder(100);                 stringbuilder newdisplaycontents = new stringbuilder(100);                  newcontents.append("mecard:");                  string name = trim(bundle.getstring(;                 if (name != null) {                     newcontents.append("n:").append(escapemecard(name)).append(';');                     newdisplaycontents.append(name);                 }                  string address = trim(bundle.getstring(contactscontract.intents.insert.postal));                 if (address != null) {                     newcontents.append("adr:").append(escapemecard(address)).append(';');                     newdisplaycontents.append('\n').append(address);                 }                  collection<string> uniquephones = new hashset<string>(contents.phone_keys.length);                 (int x = 0; x < contents.phone_keys.length; x++) {                     string phone = trim(bundle.getstring(contents.phone_keys[x]));                     if (phone != null) {                         uniquephones.add(phone);                     }                 }                 (string phone : uniquephones) {                     newcontents.append("tel:").append(escapemecard(phone)).append(';');                     newdisplaycontents.append('\n').append(phonenumberutils.formatnumber(phone));                 }                  collection<string> uniqueemails = new hashset<string>(contents.email_keys.length);                 (int x = 0; x < contents.email_keys.length; x++) {                     string email = trim(bundle.getstring(contents.email_keys[x]));                     if (email != null) {                         uniqueemails.add(email);                     }                 }                 (string email : uniqueemails) {                     newcontents.append("email:").append(escapemecard(email)).append(';');                     newdisplaycontents.append('\n').append(email);                 }                  string url = trim(bundle.getstring(contents.url_key));                 if (url != null) {                     // escapemecard(url) -> wrong escape e.g. http\://                     newcontents.append("url:").append(url).append(';');                     newdisplaycontents.append('\n').append(url);                 }                  string note = trim(bundle.getstring(contents.note_key));                 if (note != null) {                     newcontents.append("note:").append(escapemecard(note)).append(';');                     newdisplaycontents.append('\n').append(note);                 }                  // make sure we've encoded @ least 1 field.                 if (newdisplaycontents.length() > 0) {                     newcontents.append(';');                     contents = newcontents.tostring();                     displaycontents = newdisplaycontents.tostring();                     title = "contact";                 } else {                     contents = null;                     displaycontents = null;                 }              }         } else if (type.equals(contents.type.location)) {             if (bundle != null) {                 // these must use bundle.getfloat(), not getdouble(), it's part of api.                 float latitude = bundle.getfloat("lat", float.max_value);                 float longitude = bundle.getfloat("long", float.max_value);                 if (latitude != float.max_value && longitude != float.max_value) {                     contents = "geo:" + latitude + ',' + longitude;                     displaycontents = latitude + "," + longitude;                     title = "location";                 }             }         }     }      public bitmap encodeasbitmap() throws writerexception {         if (!encoded) return null;          map<encodehinttype, object> hints = null;         string encoding = guessappropriateencoding(contents);         if (encoding != null) {             hints = new enummap<encodehinttype, object>(encodehinttype.class);             hints.put(encodehinttype.character_set, encoding);         }         multiformatwriter writer = new multiformatwriter();         bitmatrix result = writer.encode(contents, format, dimension, dimension, hints);         int width = result.getwidth();         int height = result.getheight();         int[] pixels = new int[width * height];         // 0, or black, default         (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {             int offset = y * width;             (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {                 pixels[offset + x] = result.get(x, y) ? black : white;             }         }          bitmap bitmap = bitmap.createbitmap(width, height, bitmap.config.argb_8888);         bitmap.setpixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);         return bitmap;     }      private static string guessappropriateencoding(charsequence contents) {         // crude @ moment         (int = 0; < contents.length(); i++) {             if (contents.charat(i) > 0xff) { return "utf-8"; }         }         return null;     }      private static string trim(string s) {         if (s == null) { return null; }         string result = s.trim();         return result.length() == 0 ? null : result;     }      private static string escapemecard(string input) {         if (input == null || (input.indexof(':') < 0 && input.indexof(';') < 0)) { return input; }         int length = input.length();         stringbuilder result = new stringbuilder(length);         (int = 0; < length; i++) {             char c = input.charat(i);             if (c == ':' || c == ';') {                 result.append('\\');             }             result.append(c);         }         return result.tostring();     } }

import android.provider.contactscontract;  public final class contents {     private contents() {     }      public static final class type {       // plain text. use intent.putextra(data, string). can used urls too, string      // must include "http://" or "https://".         public static final string text = "text_type";          // email type. use intent.putextra(data, string) string email address.         public static final string email = "email_type";          // use intent.putextra(data, string) string phone number call.         public static final string phone = "phone_type";          // sms type. use intent.putextra(data, string) string number sms.         public static final string sms = "sms_type";     //  contact. send request encode follows:   //  <p/>   //  import android.provider.contacts;   //  <p/>   //  intent intent = new intent(intents.encode.action); intent.putextra(intents.encode.type,   //  contact); bundle bundle = new bundle(); bundle.putstring(,   //  "jenny"); bundle.putstring(, "8675309");   //  bundle.putstring(, "");   //  bundle.putstring(contacts.intents.insert.postal, "123 fake st. san francisco, ca 94102");   //  intent.putextra(, bundle);          public static final string contact = "contact_type";     // geographic location. use follows:   // bundle bundle = new bundle();   // bundle.putfloat("lat", latitude);   // bundle.putfloat("long", longitude);   // intent.putextra(, bundle);          public static final string location = "location_type";          private type() {         }     }      public static final string url_key = "url_key";      public static final string note_key = "note_key";      // when using, these arrays provide keys adding or retrieving multiple     // phone numbers , addresses.     public static final string[] phone_keys = {   , contactscontract.intents.insert.secondary_phone,             contactscontract.intents.insert.tertiary_phone     };      public static final string[] phone_type_keys = {             contactscontract.intents.insert.phone_type,             contactscontract.intents.insert.secondary_phone_type,             contactscontract.intents.insert.tertiary_phone_type     };      public static final string[] email_keys = {   , contactscontract.intents.insert.secondary_email,             contactscontract.intents.insert.tertiary_email     };      public static final string[] email_type_keys = {             contactscontract.intents.insert.email_type,             contactscontract.intents.insert.secondary_email_type,             contactscontract.intents.insert.tertiary_email_type     }; } 

do below code add string , set imageview

string qrdata = "name : "+name+"\n company : "+comp;         int qrcodedimention = 500;          qrcodeencoder qrcodeencoder = new qrcodeencoder(qrdata, null,                 contents.type.text, barcodeformat.qr_code.tostring(), qrcodedimention);          try {             bitmap bitmap = qrcodeencoder.encodeasbitmap();             imageview.setimagebitmap(bitmap);         } catch (writerexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } 


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