javascript - jQuery: Using Multiple Arrays to Match Class Attribute Which Determines ChildNodes HTML? -

i have weekly schedule update manually using static table.

<table>   <tr class="live al tv">     <td>october 2</td>     <td>12:30 pm</td>     <td class="competition"></td>     <td>team v team b</td>     <td class="field">1</td>   </tr>   <tr class="be tv">     <td>october 2</td>     <td>6 pm</td>     <td class="competition"></td>     <td>team c v team d</td>     <td class="field">2</td>   </tr>   <tr class="ga tv">     <td>october 3</td>     <td>12:30 pm</td>     <td class="competition"></td>     <td>team d v team a</td>     <td class="field">3</td>   </tr>   <tr class="live de tv">     <td>october 3</td>     <td>6 pm</td>     <td class="competition"></td>     <td>team c v team b</td>     <td class="field">4</td>   </tr> </table> 

i have 2 arrays. first 1 list of classes:

var compclass = new array(); compclass[0] = 'al', compclass[1] = 'be', compclass[2] = 'ga', compclass[3] = 'de'; 

the second 1 list of competitions:

var competitions = new array(); competitions[0] = 'alpha', competitions[1] = 'beta', competitions[2] = 'gamma', competitions[3] = 'delta'; 

what i'm trying match compclass array, respectively, competitions array. want if <tr> class matches 1 of compclass values, inner text of child element, <td class="competition"></td>, auto-populate using corresponding competitions value. if doesn't make sense, here's jquery i'm trying use:

jquery(function($){   $(document).ready(function() {      var rowclass = $('table tr[class*=" "]'),         compcell = $('td.competition'),         fieldcell = $('td.field');      function setcompetition() {       for(var i=0;i<compclass.length;++i) {         $('tr').attr('class',compclass[i]).each(function() {           this.children[2].innerhtml = competition[i];         });       }     }    }); }); 

i tried using $.map() couldn't work. i'm novice jquery--let alone js in general. doing wrong? can offer guidance? appreciated.

i suggest using object:

var compclass = {     'al' : 'alpha',     'be' : 'beta',     'ga' : 'gamma',     'de' : 'delta' } var k = object.keys(compclass);  $('tr[class]').each(function() {     var prop = $.grep(this.classname.split(' '), function(value) {                     return k.indexof(value) > -1;                })[0];      if (prop) this.children[2].innerhtml = compclass[prop]; });


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