Joomla Site Migration - DB issue? -

i'm having strange issue here: i've migrated joomla site server other. i've done db dump (previous server) , restore (new server). changed configuration.php accordly , run all.

first, receive "blank page" but, more strange, when log in administrator section, can't see menu content (like aren't stored db). i've checked , content stored db.

i've granted priviledges db user run joomla site, nothing changes.

any ideas?

ps.: running onto old version of joomla 1.5.7

this error log give me

[07-oct-2013 12:39:28] php notice:  undefined variable: options in /pathtosite/plugins/system/bot_speedy.php [07-oct-2013 12:41:16] php notice:  undefined variable: keywords in /pathtosite/plugins/system/seogenerator.php 


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