android - AudioRecord obtained from microphone can't be played using AudioTrack -

i use following code record data microphone , play back. i've learned buffer sizes must match. problem after record, nothing played. instead got messages on log this:

10-07 00:12:09.187: warn/audiotrack(3719): obtainbuffer() track 0x1df1a8 disabled, restarting 10-07 00:12:10.351: warn/audiotrack(3719): obtainbuffer() track 0x1df1a8 disabled, restarting

here code. do wrong?

  @override   public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate)   {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.main);     log.w("debug", "audio record");      int frequency = 44100;     int channelconfiguration = audioformat.channel_in_stereo;     int audioencoding = audioformat.encoding_pcm_16bit;     audiorecord audiorecord = null;       final int buffersize = audiorecord.getminbuffersize(frequency, channelconfiguration, audioencoding);      audioplayer = new audiotrack(audiomanager.stream_music, frequency, audioformat.channel_out_mono,             audioformat.encoding_pcm_16bit, buffersize, audiotrack.mode_stream);       log.w("debug", "buffer size: " + buffersize);     //capture data , record file     int readbytes = 0, writtenbytes = 0;       try     {        audiorecord = new audiorecord(mediarecorder.audiosource.mic,               frequency, channelconfiguration,               audioencoding, buffersize);       // audiorecord = findaudiorecord();        short[] buffer = new short[buffersize];       byte[] data = new byte[buffersize];       if (audiorecord == null || (audiorecord != null && audiorecord.getstate() != audiorecord.state_initialized))       {         log.w("debug", "can't start");         //log.w("debug", "status: " + audiorecord.getstate());         return;       }        audiorecord.startrecording();         int samplenumber = 0;         // while (samplenumber < 30)       {         readbytes =, 0, buffersize);         if (audiorecord.error_invalid_operation != readbytes)         {           log.w("debug", "writing");           writtenbytes += audioplayer.write(data, 0, readbytes);         }         log.w("debug", "sample number" + samplenumber);           samplenumber++;       }       if (audioplayer.getplaystate() != audiotrack.playstate_playing)       {         log.w("debug", "playing");;       }      } catch (illegalargumentexception e)     {       e.printstacktrace();  //to change body of catch statement use file | settings | file templates.     } catch (illegalstateexception e)     {       e.printstacktrace();  //to change body of catch statement use file | settings | file templates.     }     {       if (audiorecord != null && audiorecord.getstate() == audiorecord.state_initialized)       {         audiorecord.stop();         audiorecord.release();       }      }   } 

the phone's volume wasn't high enough , didn't talk close enough microphone :) echo still issue, @ least can hear sounds @ last.


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