c++ - Apple Mach-O Linker (Id) Error in xcode -

i using xcode work snap package (http://memetracker.org). when build, few "apple mach-o linker (id) error"

i read may have add right framework not know how can find right framework is.

undefined symbols architecture x86_64:     "_env", referenced from:         _main in cliquesmain.o     "exestop(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, int const&)", referenced from:          tpt<tungraph>::operator->() const in cliquesmain.o          tvec<tvec<tint, int>, int>::operator[](int const&) in cliquesmain.o          tvec<tint, int>::operator[](int const&) in cliquesmain.o          tpt<texcept>::operator->() const in cliquesmain.o          trstr::getnullrstr() in cliquesmain.o          trstr::~trstr() in cliquesmain.o          tvec<tint, int>::operator[](int const&) const in cliquesmain.o       ...     "wrnotify(char const*, char const*)", referenced from:         errnotify(char const*) in cliquesmain.o     "tcliqueoverlap::getcpmcommunities(tpt<tungraph> const&, int, tvec<tvec<tint, int>, int>&)", referenced from:       _main in cliquesmain.o     ..... 

have added memetracker "library" correctly? check out tab "build phases", if not there problem.

i assume have code/library in project, have auto-completion, link library need specify find it.


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