c# - JSON.NET get specific values -

iam new json.net , iam trying informations gooogle book api. send request book api , response this:

>     {  "kind": "books#volumes",  "totalitems": 1,  "items": [   {    "kind": "books#volume",    "id": "cqbnpxozvxsc",    "etag": "m3um0rhw0ak",    "selflink": "https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/cqbnpxozvxsc",    "volumeinfo": {     "title": "rothfuss,name d.windes",     "authors": [      "patrick rothfuss"     ],     "publisher": "klett-cotta",     "publisheddate": "2010",     "industryidentifiers": [      {       "type": "isbn_10",       "identifier": "3608938788"      },      {       "type": "isbn_13",       "identifier": "9783608938784"      }     ],     "pagecount": 876,     "printtype": "book",     "contentversion": "",     "imagelinks": {      "smallthumbnail": "http://bks9.books.google.de/books?id=cqbnpxozvxsc&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&source=gbs_api",      "thumbnail": "http://bks9.books.google.de/books?id=cqbnpxozvxsc&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&edge=curl&source=gbs_api"     },     "language": "de",     "previewlink": "http://books.google.de/books?id=cqbnpxozvxsc&printsec=frontcover&dq=isbn:9783608938784&hl=&cd=1&source=gbs_api",     "infolink": "http://books.google.de/books?id=cqbnpxozvxsc&dq=isbn:9783608938784&hl=&source=gbs_api",     "canonicalvolumelink": "http://books.google.de/books/about/rothfuss_name_d_windes.html?hl=&id=cqbnpxozvxsc"    },    "saleinfo": {     "country": "de",     "saleability": "not_for_sale",     "isebook": false    },    "accessinfo": {     "country": "de",     "viewability": "partial",     "embeddable": true,     "publicdomain": false,     "texttospeechpermission": "allowed",     "epub": {      "isavailable": false     },     "pdf": {      "isavailable": false     },     "webreaderlink": "http://books.google.de/books/reader?id=cqbnpxozvxsc&hl=&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&source=gbs_api",     "accessviewstatus": "sample"    }   }  ] } 

now tried use json.net this: jobject responeobject = jobject.parse(responsestring); jtoken items = responeobject["items"]; jtoken item= items[0]; string booktitle; booktitle=item["title"].value<string>();

i 1 item... cant volumeinformations, example title...

where mistake?


use code

 public class sampleresponse {      [jsonproperty("kind")]     public string kind { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("totalitems")]     public int totalitems { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("items")]     public item[] items { get; set; } }  public class accessinfo {      [jsonproperty("country")]     public string country { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("viewability")]     public string viewability { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("embeddable")]     public bool embeddable { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("publicdomain")]     public bool publicdomain { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("texttospeechpermission")]     public string texttospeechpermission { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("epub")]     public epub epub { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("pdf")]     public pdf pdf { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("webreaderlink")]     public string webreaderlink { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("accessviewstatus")]     public string accessviewstatus { get; set; } }   public class epub {      [jsonproperty("isavailable")]     public bool isavailable { get; set; } }   public class imagelinks {      [jsonproperty("smallthumbnail")]     public string smallthumbnail { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("thumbnail")]     public string thumbnail { get; set; } }  public class industryidentifier {      [jsonproperty("type")]     public string type { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("identifier")]     public string identifier { get; set; } }   public class item {      [jsonproperty("kind")]     public string kind { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("id")]     public string id { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("etag")]     public string etag { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("selflink")]     public string selflink { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("volumeinfo")]     public volumeinfo volumeinfo { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("saleinfo")]     public saleinfo saleinfo { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("accessinfo")]     public accessinfo accessinfo { get; set; } }   public class pdf {      [jsonproperty("isavailable")]     public bool isavailable { get; set; } }    public class saleinfo {      [jsonproperty("country")]     public string country { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("saleability")]     public string saleability { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("isebook")]     public bool isebook { get; set; } }    public class volumeinfo {      [jsonproperty("title")]     public string title { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("authors")]     public string[] authors { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("publisher")]     public string publisher { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("publisheddate")]     public string publisheddate { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("industryidentifiers")]     public industryidentifier[] industryidentifiers { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("pagecount")]     public int pagecount { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("printtype")]     public string printtype { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("contentversion")]     public string contentversion { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("imagelinks")]     public imagelinks imagelinks { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("language")]     public string language { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("previewlink")]     public string previewlink { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("infolink")]     public string infolink { get; set; }      [jsonproperty("canonicalvolumelink")]     public string canonicalvolumelink { get; set; } } 

to deserialize

var obj = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<sampleresponse>(your_string); 


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