extjs4.1 - Display symbols/icons before and after textfield -

i have requirement display 1 symbol before textfield , @ end display .00, below code using not idea how so.

                                  xtype:"textfield",                                       fieldlabel: 'total anticipated mkt val',                                   labelstyle:'font-weight:bold;',                                   name:"totalanticipatedmarketvalue",                                   id: 'totalanticipatedmarketvalue',                                   style:{color:'#0a4374',fontsize:'10px',fontweight:'',textalign:'left'} 

you can use fieldcontainer, this:

{     xtype: 'fieldcontainer',     fieldlabel: 'total anticipated mkt val',     labelstyle:'font-weight:bold;',     layout: 'hbox',     items: [         {             xtype: 'displayfield',             value: '$'         },         {             xtype: 'numberfield',             name: "totalanticipatedmarketvalue",             flex: 1         },         {             xtype: 'displayfield',             value: '.00'         }     ] } 

see docs here: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api/ext.form.fieldcontainer


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