- Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\shyful\Desktop\MvcApp\MvcApp\Person\Upload\Jellyfish.jpg' -

when ran project ,it shows "could not find part of path 'c:\users\shyful\desktop\mvcapp\mvcapp\person\upload\jellyfish.jpg'.

description: unhandled exception occurred during execution of current web request. please review stack trace more information error , originated in code.

exception details: not find part of path 'c:\users\shyful\desktop\mvcapp\mvcapp\person\upload\jellyfish.jpg'.

uploadfile.saveas(filepatha); db.image.add(image); db.entry(image).state = entitystate.modified;  

where's wrong in code

the exception message: "could not find part of path ..." message of directorynotfoundexception.

in order save file have ensure directory exists first!

run before save file:

if(!directory.exists(@"c:\users\shyful\desktop\mvcapp\mvcapp\person\upload\")) {  directory.createdirectory(@"c:\users\shyful\desktop\mvcapp\mvcapp\person\upload\"); } 


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