dns - Is domain name of the server checked during SSL handshake -

during ssl handshake, domain name of server checked during ssl handshake, mean domain name in server certificated checked against domain in server running ?

example: suppose server certificate has domain mydomain.com . , if server running in domain someotherdomain.com ... cheked during ssl handshake , aborted mydomain.com not someotherdomain.com ?

it depends...

the ssl/tls standard doesn't specify how , when server certificate verified.

from introduction:

[...] decisions on how initiate tls handshaking , how interpret authentication certificates exchanged left judgment of designers , implementors of protocols run on top of tls.

this being said, while doesn't specify how authentication has take place, implementations meant perform check during handshake (or @ least, after):

  • see appendix d.
  • some error messages related certificate authentication failure (bad_certificate, certificate_expired, ...).
  • some of text in handhsake overview: "[...] if server authenticated, may request certificate client, if appropriate cipher suite selected."

in cases, certificate verification guided rfc 3280/rfc 5280. number of ssl/tls stacks @ least default.

the host name verification, considered 1 of certificate authentication step, has historically been implemented separately. because rfc 3280/rfc 5280 didn't address step , left each application protocol. there relatively recent harmonisation attempt in rfc 6125 (you can find differences in protocols in appendix b).

whether host name checking done during ssl/tls handshake depends on library you're using, , how you've configured it.

for example, before java 7, had done separately main jsse api (sslsocket/sslengine). (this done in httpsurlconnection, example, sits on top of jsse, not within.) since java 7, it's possible perform check during handshake , within jsse using x509extendedtrustmanager, has configured using sslparameters.setendpointidentificationalgorithm(...), only supports https , ldaps (this being said, if service doesn't use http, using https endpoint identification algorithm wouldn't bad choice, better nothing).

other ssl/tls libraries or wrapping other libraries in other languages tend @ least have callbacks this. whether they're used (and used correctly) developers depends, shown in this paper. (you might interested in this question on security.se.)


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