html5 - How do you get a parallel vector on a plane that an intersecting ray just hit? -

my problem:

what have: intersect, n, p. p random point in space. n plane's normal.

what seek: w

how tried solve in shader:

"vec3 n = normalize(facenormal);", "vec3 p = vec3(1.0);", "vec3 u = p - intersect;", "vec3 absnormal = abs(n);", "vec3 v = dot(u, n) * n / (absnormal * absnormal);", "vec3 w = u - v;", 

and vector doesn't become parallel plane:

anybody see i've thought wrong?


abs() absolute value. should using length() function.

"vec3 v = dot( u, n ) * n / ( length( n ) * length( n ) );", 


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