xml - How do I turn off findbugs "Redundant nullcheck" in maven? -

i can't find name of detector reports "redundant nullcheck" (rcn_redundant_nullcheck_of_nonnull_value) knows is? googling gives me tons of project reports...

i lot of errors on since use jetbrains @notnull annotations tool (it inserts null checks bytecode).

<plugin>   <groupid>org.codehaus.mojo</groupid>   <artifactid>findbugs-maven-plugin</artifactid>   <version>2.5.2</version>   <configuration>     <omitvisitors>???whatisthedetectorsname???</omitvisitors>   </configuration> </plugin> 

thanks in advance

from findbugs-maven-plugin usage documentation states visitors/omitvisitors options both specify comma-separated list of bug detectors should run/not run. bug detectors specified class names, without package qualification.

the class checks redundant null check of non-null value is, far can tell, findnullderef. number of other checks well, turning them off. not sure if possible turn off 1 check bothering you.


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