c++ - Type checking template class parameters -

i trying achieve type checking of template class parameters disallowing implicit type conversions such string->bool thereby throwing compile error. specific scenario simple 1 follows:

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std;  template <class t> class mypair { t a, b; public:   mypair(t first, t second ) {   = first;   b = second;   }   void test(); };  typedef mypair<bool> boolparm;  template<class t> void mypair<t>::test() {   if(a == true) {   cout << "a true" << endl;   } else {   cout << "a false" << endl;      }   if(b == true) {   cout << "b true" << endl;   } else {   cout << "b false" << endl;   } }  int main() {   boolparm myobj(false, "false");   myobj.test();   return 0; } 

the output of above scenario undesirable since user may inadvertently pass 2 different types: bool , string , receive first 1 false (correct since passed bool) second 1 true (incorrect since implicit type conversion string bool). wish restrict user code in main() throw compile errors , disallowing string/int parameters pass in constructor. should allow bool. tried using overloaded constructor mypair(bool first, string second) didn't match since guess implicit type conversion string->bool happens before constructor called. there solution using template specializations in scenario? highly appreciated thanks

one workaround add templated factory function create mypair.

template <typename t> mypair<t> makeparam(t a, t b) {     return mypair<t>(a, b); } 

that fail compile ambiguous template parameter t if types don't match. can extend template specializations explicitly forbidding types t. main function like:

int main() {     boolparm myobj = makeparam(false, "false");     myobj.test();     return 0; } 

alternatively change constructor:

template <typename u, typename v> mypair(u a, v b); 

and specialize necessary

an example of such specialization:

template <class t> class mypair {     t a, b; public:     template <typename u, typename v> // generic version     mypair(u first, v second)     {         // intentionally fail compile         static_assert(false, "don't support generic types");     }      template <> // template specialization     mypair(t first, t second)     {         // explicitly require type t         = first;         b = second;     } }; 


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