java - Connection between Apache Httpd and Eclipse Tomcat (Windows 7) -

my purpose connect httpd web server , eclipse tomcat application server. configured tomcat server inserting in server.xml following line:

<connector port="8009" protocol="ajp/1.3" enablelookups="false" redirectport="8443"/> 

i copied file httpd modules folder, created conf folder file, contains following lines:

worker.list=myworker worker.myworker.type=ajp13 worker.myworker.port=8009 

i added httpd.conf file following lines:

loadmodule jk_module modules/ 

jkworkersfile conf/ jklogfile logs/mod_jk.log jklogstampformat "[%b %d %y - %h:%m:%s] " jkrequestlogformat "%w %v %t" jkloglevel info  jkoptions +forwardkeysize +forwarduricompat -forwarddirectories  alias /testapachetomcat "c:/data/testapachetomcat/"  <directory "c:/data/testapachetomcat/">     allowoverride none     allow </directory>  <location /*/web-inf/*>     deny </location>  jkmount /testapachetomcat/* myworker 

, started both tomcat , httpd.

bot tomcat server , httpd correctly started (if ask


i see app , if ask


i see httpd welcome page), don't communicate (if ask


i receive 404 page not found). doing wrong?

thanks much

you need remove alias , directoy tags, handled automatically. therefore location tag unnecessary too. add line jk mounting:

jkmount /testapachetomcat myworker 

then shoul able access:



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