coffeescript - javascript synchronous call -

this question has answer here:

writing in coffeescript principle same, i'm calling ps.list , (from pslook module in npm registry). these functions don't return results call callback passed them. settimeout not want do, having trouble thinking of way around this.. ideas? not sure if icedcoffeescript can here in way?

ps = require 'pslook'  instances = []  ps.list (err, results) ->   if err throw err   results.foreach (result) ->, (err, process) ->       if err throw err       instances.push process.cmdline     , 'fields': ps.all , 'search': /^ssh/  settimeout ->   console.dir instances   ### lots more stuff here list of instances don't want nested within calls ps.list / , 500 

what simple counter waits callbacks called?

untested example:

ps.list (err, results) ->   if err throw err   waitingfor = results.length   results.foreach (result) ->, (err, process) ->       if err throw err       instances.push process.cmdline       waitingfor -= 1       goon(instances) if waitingfor == 0     , 'fields': ps.all , 'search': /^ssh/  goon (instances) ->   console.dir instances 


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