objective c - Navigation Controller not working when enabling ARC in xcode 5 and using ios 7 -

i enabled arc , using ios 7 app.with out using xib doing programming.but unable navigate 1 view controller view controller.created obj in .h file class.

in .h file @property(nonatomic,strong)countriesviewcontroller *countryviewcontroller;

in .m file in button action.

countryviewcontroller = [[countriesviewcontroller alloc] init]; [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:countryviewcontroller animated:yes]; 

you need add navigation controller in appdelegate this,

- (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions {      self.window = [[uiwindow alloc] initwithframe:[[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds]]; // override point customization after application launch. self.viewcontroller = [[yourviewcontroller alloc] initwithnibname:@"yourviewcontroller" bundle:nil]; self.navigationcontroller = [[uinavigationcontroller alloc] initwithrootviewcontroller:self.viewcontroller]; self.window.rootviewcontroller = self.navigationcontroller; [self.window makekeyandvisible];      return yes; } 

in viewcontroller, navigate this,

 self.countryviewcontroller = [[countriesviewcontroller  alloc]initwithnibname:@"countriesviewcontroller" bundle:nil]; [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:self.countryviewcontroller animated:yes]; 


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