sql - Is there any way to do multiple inserts/updates in Slick? -

in sql can this:

insert tbl_name (a,b,c) values(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9); 

is there way multiple/bulk/batch inserts or updates in slick?

can similar, @ least using sql plain queries ?

for inserts, andrew answered, use insertall.

  def insertall(items:seq[mycaseclass])(implicit session:session) = {     (items.size) match {       case s if s > 0 =>         try {           // basequery tablequery object           basequery.insertall(tempitems :_*)         } catch {           case e:exception => e.printstacktrace()         }       some(tempitems(0))         case _ => none     }   } 

for updates, you're sol. check out scala slick 2.0 updateall equivalent insertall? ended doing. paraphrase, here's code:

  private def batchupdatequery = "update table set value = ? id = ?"    /**    * dropping jdbc b/c slick doesnt support batched update    */   def batchupate(batch:list[mycaseclass])(implicit session:session) = {     val pstmt = session.conn.preparestatement(batchupdatequery)      batch map { mycaseclass =>       pstmt.setstring(1, mycaseclass.value)       pstmt.setstring(2, mycaseclass.id)       pstmt.addbatch()     }      session.withtransaction {       pstmt.executebatch()     }   } 


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