How to get Pipeline created by playbin in Gstreamer? -

i creating player uses playbin2 create pipeline. in code i'm using following line create pipeline.

pipeline = gst_parse_launch("playbin2", &error);

so pipeline created , player working. wish alter pipeline created. there api in gstreamer helps view , edit pipeline created using playbin2 ?

also wish print pipeline created using gst_parse_launch. how print pipeline using gstelement returned gst_parse_launch ?

i don't think possible alter pipeline created playbin, has internal code auto manage pipeline , manually modifying lead unexpected results. can update using given properties , signals, though.

you can use gst_bin_iterate_elements or gst_bin_iterate_recurse iterate on elements of pipeline print them. possible use have .dot file created. dot file graph representation of pipeline , can converted image using dot application. way have full pipeline drawn understandable image.

it hard give further advice don't know trying altering playbin2's pipeline, can try looking @ lower level elements, uridecodebin or decodebin2, , @ autoplugging signals control automatically added elements. iirc can done playbin2's level.

it seems still using gstreamer 0.10, no longer developed. if have no reasons stick 0.10, please move on 1.0


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