Gruntjs throwing error with requirejs task -

i'm trying setup simple gruntjs task using requirejs on windows 8, when run keeps producing follow command line error.

enter image description here


{ "name": "my-app", "version": "0.0.1", "devdependencies": {     "grunt": "~0.4.1",     "grunt-contrib-requirejs": "~0.4.1" } } 

gruntfile.js: module.exports = function(grunt) {

grunt.initconfig({      pkg: grunt.file.readjson('package.json'),      requirejs: {         compile: {             options: {                 appdir: "../",                 dir: "../../build",                 fileexclusionregexp: /^(r|build)\.js$/,                 mainconfigfile: "js/main.js",                 removecombined: true             }         }     }  });  grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-requirejs');  grunt.registertask('default', ['requirejs']);  }; 

i used npm install in directory, installed dependencies. thoughts on how fix this?

so gruntfile.js in public_html directory correct?

i think way have configured, you're telling requirejs task try uglify , combine in skritter-html5/ , it's choking on that, because running through javascript files in project instead of requirejs app code.. may want appdir option point "js/myclientsideappdir" , output "js/build"

try looking on comments in file.

they're best description of r.js options we've got.


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