objective c - PSPDFKit taking long time to give error `documentRef is nil , cannot get pageRef` -

i have used code :

nsurl *documenturl= [nsurl fileurlwithpath:astrprintpdfpath isdirectory:no]; pspdfdocument *document = [pspdfdocument documentwithurl:documenturl];  pspdfviewcontroller *pdfcontroller = [[pspdfviewcontroller alloc] initwithdocument:document]; pdfcontroller.pagetransition = pspdfpagetransitioncurl; pdfcontroller.renderingmode = pspdfpagerenderingmodefullpageblocking; [pdfcontroller setupdatesettingsforrotationblock:^(pspdfviewcontroller *apdfcontroller, uiinterfaceorientation tointerfaceorientation) {     // conditionally set depending on rotation     if (uiinterfaceorientationislandscape(tointerfaceorientation)) {         apdfcontroller.pagemode = pspdfpagemodedouble;     }  else {         apdfcontroller.pagemode = pspdfpagemodesingle;     }  }];  uinavigationcontroller *navcontroller = [[uinavigationcontroller alloc] initwithrootviewcontroller:pdfcontroller]; [self presentviewcontroller:navcontroller animated:yes completion:null]; pdfcontroller.title = @""; [pdfcontroller release]; [navcontroller release]; 

now problem takes around 30 50 seconds give these error : error: nserror *pspdferror(nsinteger, nsstring *_strong, nserror *_autoreleasing *)/35 error 210: documentref nil; cannot pageref page 1. hanging ui completetly , opens pdfcontroller nothing

this main developer of pspdfkit.

when "documentref nil; cannot pageref" - means pdf source used create pspdfdocument invalid. check isvalid property on document test programmatically.

i'm not sure on version are, @ least 3.x not block ui thread, show empty view controller that's waiting set different document.


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