actionscript 3 - Convert text string to hexadecimal using flash builder -

i want convert mac address hexadecimal string using flash builder.. used code

var networkinterface : object =  networkinfo.networkinfo.findinterfaces(); var networkinfo  : object = networkinterface[0]; var physicaladdress : string = networkinfo.hardwareaddress.tostring();  txtreq.text = physicaladdress + "-" + txtserial.text  var reqcode:uint = uint(txtreq.text);  var reqcode1:string = reqcode.tostring(16);  txtact.text = reqcode1; 

when run application,

txtserial.text = 123 , physicaladdress = c6-17-31-a9-ef-ff...

but txtact.text got 0.

then how fix problem , in flex builder how convert ff-ff-ff-ff-ff text hexadecimal code...

you should use parseint(reqcode,16) instead of reqcode.tostring(16);


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