erlang - Howto dump xml data with xmerl_scan even if syntax error -

when using xml file syntax error xmerl_scan:file output indicate line , column number :

1> xmerl_scan:file('failed.xml'). 2542- fatal: {endtag_does_not_match,{was,request,should_have_been,http}} ** exception exit: {fatal,{{endtag_does_not_match,{was,request,                                                    should_have_been,http}},                            {file,'failed.xml'},                            {line,77},                            {col,8}}} 

the problem file failed.xml composed lot of entity original file doesn't contains 77 lines, debug not easy case. howto dump final xml analyzed xmerl_sacn debug xml ? options pass xmerl_scan ? read doc can't find solution.

a solution use xmerl_sax_parser:file/2 proppose lars thorsen in erlang-questions list


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