ios - Universal Storyboard? -

in old xib world of ios development, able create 1 view controller , 1 xib, , use them both iphone , ipad environments. few code tweaks, xib resize , adjust fit different dimensions , aspect ratios. allowed me reduce risk of 2 layouts getting out of sync on time.

is same thing possible in world of storyboards? default xcode creates 2 distinct storyboards universal app -- 1 iphone , 1 ipad.

how can use 1 storyboard both?



size classes in xcode 6 achieve goal of universal storyboards. more info here:

in can't.

there's workaroud use create ipad storyboard @ end of iphone development.

you have locate iphone story board , using terminal can duplicate giving name of ipad storyboard xcode has created you. delete empty old storyboard , open newly copied 1 changinge targetruntime attribute "ios.cocoatouch.ipad" instead of old value "ios.cocoatouch".

open ipad storyboard xcode, there still needs arranged , connected viewcontroller (wiring stuff included..). it's not perfect save error prone copy , paste (and several hours well).

if want target app iphone , deliver ipad can use iphone xib , you'll 2x little botton in right corner.

update late 2014 (after xcode 6 beta release)

xcode 6 allows define single storyboard , through size classes concept, make adapt devices. solution bit confusing (especially if you're familiar how problem solved in android environment) it's in right direction imho.


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