vb.net - VB graphics from image file shows bigger than it's original size -

i have in vb.net :

public class form1     dim output new bitmap(300, 300)     dim gfx graphics = graphics.fromimage(output)     sub refreshscreen() handles timer1.tick         gfx.drawimage(image.fromfile("wheel.png"), new point(50, 50))         gfx.fillrectangle(brushes.blue, 100, 100, 25, 25) 'some other drawings on top         picturebox1.image = output     end sub end class 

the problem "wheel.png" shows bigger in picturebox1 it's original resolution , scaled , blurred. how can fix ?

change line :

gfx.drawimage(image.fromfile("wheel.png"), new point(50, 50)) 

by :

gfx.drawimage(image.fromfile("wheel.png"), new rectangle(0, 0, 225, 70)) 

a rectangle specify size, not worry weird scaling. have image in variable object, , accessing object .height , .width fix drawimage issue.


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