mysql - Data truncated when trying to import CSV file -

hi here load statement:

load data local infile 'c:/geoipcountrywhois.csv' table geolocation fields terminated ','   enclosed '"'   lines terminated '\n';   30 row(s) affected, 1 warning(s): 1265 data truncated column 'cn' @ row 30 records: 30  deleted: 0  skipped: 0  warnings: 1    create table `geolocation` (   `start_ip` char(15) not null,   `end_ip` char(15) not null,   `start` int(10) unsigned not null,   `end` int(10) unsigned not null,   `cc` char(2) not null,   `cn` varchar(50) not null ) engine=myisam default charset=utf8 

i found problem line below because of comma in korea things new field starts.,,17498112,17563647,kr,"korea, republic of"

i can remove commas can change load statement somehow?

you should use optionally enclosed by instead of enclosed by.

adding optionally statement allows csv in current form. without optionally keyword, expected every value have quotations around it.


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